“My leg muscles seem to go further before they start to tire”
In the 8 months that I have been using GO2 Oxygen I have completed three Ultra distance running events, a 100km trail race where I reduced my time from the previous year by 10 hours, a 50km race and a 12hour event where I achieved a distance of 64.2km.
The specific benefits I feel I get from GO2 Oxygen are my leg muscles seem to go further before they start to tire and I do not suffer from cramping and my recovery time has been reduced.
The results that I have enjoyed from using this supplement have been such that I am sure GO2 Oxygen will continue to improve my performance.
“I was amazed to beat last year’s time for 10,000m by 1 minute 40s.”
I used GO2 Oxygen for the first time at the Canberra 10,000m and was amazed to beat last year’s time by 1 minute 40s. At this age I expect my times to be going in the other direction and it felt great to be turning back the clock.
“I was able to maintain a higher level of intensity for longer periods & with less distress.”
As a competitive Triathlete, I was immediately interested when I discovered GO2 Oxygen as this was a way to get more oxygen into my bloodstream by simply consuming a small amount of liquid containing all natural ingredients. I found that taking 20ml approximately 30min prior to intense training or racing I was able to maintain a higher level of intensity for longer periods & with less distress. I also take 10ml each morning for general health. I have been a long-term user of GO2 with much satisfaction. It’s got to be one of the best legal performance aids out there!
“Still able to physically participate in training”
As a long term user of the GO2 Game Plan I couldn’t be happier with the benefits I’ve experienced. Not only do I have the energy, clarity and calmness to handle the challenges of every day, I am still able to physically participate in training with my athletes and still enjoy grappling and jiu jitsu as my personal sports, achieving black belt status just last year I can truly say that everyone I’ve introduced to the GO2 products loves them.
“I was able to keep up with the 20 and 30 year olds in training”
I have been using GO2 Oxygen for several years. While I was in my late 60’s as a senior karate instructor, my colleagues used to be very surprised that I was able to keep up with the 20 and 30 year olds in training. I wasn’t surprised – it was the GO2 Oxygen.
Now that I’m retired and in my 70s I still use GO2 Oxygen on a daily basis. It keeps me alert, fresh, mobile and able to keep up with any exercise regimes I participate in. I am enjoying life and I don’t feel like I am a senior citizen. Give GO2 Oxygen a go! You won’t regret it.
“Energy to enjoy my time with my young granddaughter”
I’ve been using GO2 Oxygen and Minerals for several years. I don’t mind paying the postage to bring them all this way, because they really work.
I have a lot of younger friends who I like to party with and I always manage to out-dance them. And I don’t wake up next day feeling the worse for wear! I credit the GO2 products with helping me feel and behave younger than I am every day, and also giving me the energy to enjoy my time with my young granddaughter.
“My way of life changed for the better”
The purpose in writing is to relate my using GO2 Oxygen and in appreciation of the wonderful results.
At 78 years of age I was tired, listless, no energy. Everything I tried to do required a super special effort on my part to achieve the simplest tasks – such as using the vacuum cleaner, or putting out the washing on the clothes line.
Then I discovered GO2 Oxygen – my way of life changed – changed for the better. I am no longer easily fatigued. Daily morning walks are a pleasure returned. House chores easily managed.
I am a bright happy person once again, enjoying my days – all due to the daily intake of GO2 Oxygen.
Also my wife has welcomed the changed “me” from a tired, complaining, grumpy old man with a television addiction – now a husband who is happy, active, pleasant and pleasing. WOW, how about that? Now 84 years old, still receiving the benefits of GO2 Oxygen. Thanks again GO2 Life.
“On an incredibly busy day I wasn’t wiped out!”
Sunday was an incredibly busy day for me, with 12 guests to consult. This is happening one after another until 6:30pm and usually wipes me out. I am high energy, not many can keep my pace. I space my work as a rule, as I can overdo things, and then I am wiped out. I took 5 ml of GO2 Oxygen in the morning, and 5ml before lunch and at 7pm I wasn’t wiped out. My assistant also experienced similar results.
“Significant changes in my life in such a short time”
Having Fibromyalgia for six years and doing so much research and trying so many products in the hope of helping myself since the doctors have absolutely no clue as to how to help patients as they know very little about Fibromyalgia except to tell you that you have it and to learn to live with it, I have finally come across a product that has made a difference in my life after only one month of taking it and I would like to share this information with people in the hope that I might be of some help to them. I don’t want to sound like this is some miracle cure by going over the top and carry on like it is because it’s not, I still have Fibromyalgia but GO2 Oxygen has helped bring about significant changes in my life in such a short time and I believe the longer one takes it the better they will feel.
“I found it miraculous”
I have been using GO2 Oxygen for general well being, energy and to maintain good health. It’s amazing!
I found it miraculous when I used it on my mother. She had a stroke and her blood pressure could not be controlled with additional medication. Her BP 200/100 … She refused to continue taking the additional medication as it wasn’t helping and she was feeling unwell.
So I decided to try the GO2 Oxygen. My mum was reluctant but she decided to take it. I gave her 5 ml. Within 1/2 hour her BP dropped to 180/90. We were relieved. She continues take 10ml twice daily and has returned to her normal independent lifestyle.