GO2 Game Plan Step 1: GO2 Liquid Oxygen

Oxygen is Step 1 because it’s your body’s most urgent need. Whenever you get out of breath and your heart starts beating faster, you’re calling for more oxygen to meet your body’s demand.
It’s very easy to take Oxygen for granted. We breathe it to live; we stop – we die. But it’s not that simple.
Oxygen is the driver of pretty much everything good that happens in your body. It’s your body’s ‘active ingredient’.
Your oxygen levels fluctuate during any day according to what physical and mental challenges your body is facing.
If you don’t have enough oxygen to go around, your body’s function and performance will be limited – you won’t be able to perform at your peak..
Now You can easily top up your body’s oxygen levels, and enjoy many noticeable performance, recovery and lifestyle benefits.
- Increased Energy Levels: Oxygen is responsible for about 90% of your body’s energy. That’s because the energy in all the food and drinks you consume has to be converted by oxygen into energy the body can use. The more oxygen you can make available, the faster this process can happen and the higher your natural energy levels.
- Stamina & Endurance: The best endurance athletes have a very high ability to process oxygen. This allows them to stay in their aerobic performance zone longer, before lactic acid kicks in as they tire and their oxygen levels fall, leading to muscle fatigue and soreness. With higher oxygen levels, you can go harder for longer – and easier, so you enjoy it more.
- Accelerated Recovery from Exertion: After vigorous exercise the body goes into ‘oxygen debt’ and urgently needs more oxygen to metabolise lactic acid and replenish ATP. Supplementing oxygen levels allows the body to restore all systems to their normal states faster, even while you perform! You spend less time with muscle pain and fatigue, and are able to get back on track sooner.
- Brain Power: Your brain uses over 20% of the oxygen you take in, even though it is only about 2% of your body mass. This oxygen is vital to maximize mental clarity, concentration, memory, decision making, judgment, balance, reaction time – your entire cognitive performance. If you want to be at your sharpest for business meetings, computer or figure work, sport or studying, it’s really important to keep your oxygen levels up.
- Sleep Quality: While we are sleeping our brain reorganizes all the information it has taken in during the day. Oxygen is essential to achieve and maintain the most restful sleep when our bodies are repaired and rejuvenated. People with low oxygen levels often have light, disrupted sleep, which means they are unlikely to get sufficient high quality sleep to be fully rested and restored. This is especially vital for sports recovery.
- Fat Burning: ONLY oxygen breaks down stored fat into energy – and it is hard work! It takes around twice as much oxygen to break down 1g of fat as it does to break down 1g of carbs or protein. That’s why aerobic exercise is so important for weight loss. What happens to fat when it is broken down by oxygen in the energy cycle? It is simply converted to carbon dioxide and water, and passes out of the body in the usual way!
- Anti-Ageing: After peaking in our twenties, our body’s natural ability to process oxygen diminishes by about 1% a year. We notice our energy and stamina levels ebbing away, our performance declines, and eventually we find that we have trouble doing things we used to find easy. Higher oxygen levels help over thirties to combat this decline and live a more active lifestyle.
- Stress Reduction: Stress comes in several forms – for example, mental stress, emotional stress, toxic stress, physical stress, work-related stress. Your body is hard-wired to treat these stresses as threats and releases a surge of hormones, which can only be neutralized by oxygen. This raises the blood pressure and heart rate as the body craves more oxygen to help it cope. Improving your oxygen levels through supplementation helps counter this craving and brings the body back into balance.
- Optimal Metabolism: Many metabolic functions take place in the body, and they ALL require oxygen. The main purposes are the conversion of food/fuel into energy and nutrients that cells can use, and the elimination of waste. Just as petrol in your car’s tank is useless till combined with oxygen in the engine, food in your stomach has to be combined with oxygen to be useful to your body. The more you accelerate your car (add more oxygen), the better it goes; the more oxygen you can give your body, the better it will go.
- Enhanced Daily Vitality: Your body’s oxygen levels vary throughout the day, depending on factors like what you’re doing, what you’ve had to eat and drink, where you are, how stressed you are. When your body is using up lots of its oxygen resources digesting a big meal, for example, you’re not going to feel very energized. In fact, some people feel lethargic and fatigued all the time. An early morning boost to your oxygen levels can make a difference to your whole day.
- Cellular Wellness: Every one of the trillions of cells in your body MUST continuously receive adequate oxygen to function properly, complete all its metabolic processes, and regenerate correctly. If you don’t have enough oxygen to go around, extremities such as fingers and toes and hard-to-reach, deep down inside areas are most likely to miss out.
- Toxin Removal: You eat, drink, breathe and absorb toxic material. All toxins must be combined with oxygen to be removed from the body, so the more toxins you ingest, the more of your oxygen resources must be used up to clear them. That means less oxygen is available for positive outcomes such as energy, brain power, sleep quality, etc. You can minimize toxin intake by consuming natural, unprocessed food and drinks, and avoiding polluted and smoky environments as much as possible.
- Clearing the Cobwebs: Alcohol displaces oxygen in the bloodstream, meaning that the body, and especially the brain, receives less and less oxygen as more alcohol is consumed. The removal of alcohol from the system only happens when it is combined with oxygen. The more oxygen that is available to the body, the faster this process can take place.
- Travel: Aircraft cabin pressure is set significantly lower than at ground level, so less oxygen is available. This is especially an issue on long haul flights, where fatigue and jetlag can really disrupt your trip. Similarly, for long distance drivers continually recycled air inside the vehicle reduces its oxygen content and can lead to drowsiness and poor concentration.
- Altitude Sports: Whether your interest in altitude sports is serious or recreational, your performance level and enjoyment is going to be limited by lack of oxygen. Supplement your oxygen levels to optimize your travel experience, physical performance, sleep quality and coping better with all the après-ski activities.