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Lance Hastie

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“The fog has now gone. and I feel good all day long. “

“Over the last 17 years I’ve had this state where everything around me has tended to have a level of fog. I had to look at things twice to be really able to see what I thought I was seeing.  So it took me a whole lot more focus, it took a lot more energy to be able to see and comprehend what it was I was looking at.  Yet my vision was fine, it tested 20/20.

 I was resigned to living with this  for the rest of my life.  So when it was recommended to me to try GO2 Oxygen I was keen to give it a go.  Before I did, I had to do my own bit of research of what the potential gains might be or if there were any side effects, what it was I might actually feel or achieve. What I was reading had me interested.  But the reality what something quite far removed from what I could have perceived or anticipated at that time. 

It was about an hour after taking my first 5ml serve.  I was looking out the window and there was this level of clarity to what I was seeing.  What I saw and what my brain picked up was instantaneous – there was just an instant connection.  I was doing some diary notes at the time and I suddenly found my focus was on what I was doing, whereas previously I was looking every which way.  I found I had an attention span.  I was able to see much more clearly and I was able to focus on what I was doing and these were the two first profound things I noticed.  And it just got better from there. 

One of the aspects I was really looking forward to was a performance increase of the physical kind.  I like to do some running and enjoy getting out and about doing a bit of jogging.  Well the first thing is that physically I felt a lot different, I felt a lot freer.  I felt as if my body was able to deliver a lot more, and at the end of it was feeling so much fresher.  It was a whole lot of fun to actually go really hard at the end of it. and around about a minute later to be talking about it as if I hadn’t even been for a run at all.  That really is a mind bender and it was a reality for me.

The other big aspect of it is that I just feel good, all of the time.  And that’s really hard to comprehend.  When you take a bit of caffeine, a bit of coffee to get that hit, and then you come crashing down and you’ve got to have more to get that bit of a hit, and you actually plan your day to be productive or work around meetings in that state.  Now it’s just all the time, it’s just flat out level, you’re on the ball all the day long.

And that really is my reality.  I’ve got this clarity in what I can see and the way that what I see is connected to my brain. The fog has now gone. and I feel good all day long. 

I’ve been having some fantastic nights’ sleep since I’ve been taking GO2 Oxygen.  I was having pretty good sleep before, now I’m having much better sleep.  I always feel as if I’ve had plenty of rest and I’ve got plenty to give.  I just feel as if I’m good to go the whole time.  There’s no dips or dives.  GO2 Oxygen as far as I’m concerned is the rest of my life.”

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